The Natural Circus / Lars Schmidt
– a gathering –
feat. David Rothenberg + Michael Metzler
David Rothenberg is a well of creativiy. Next to making music with whales, birds or musicians like Glen Velez, he is a recording artist of the ECM label.
David is also a philosopher-naturalist and the author of numerous books including ‚Why birds sing‘ and ‚Thousand miles song‘.
Michael Metzler is an internationally known percussionist and teacher of ethnic and historical percussion. He has participated in numerous CD productions world-wide, and worked with artists like Ahmed Subhy or Glen Velez.
Lars Schmidt is a poet, multidisciplinary artist, and dancer at the margins of art, (deep) ecological thinking and practical know-how for sustainable living.
He is the initiator and facilitator of processes/projects like The Natural Circus, Art, Ecology & Education or Cultural Revolutionaries 2009.
Having explored the creative process in many different art forms and countries, and with his understanding as permaculture designer, he introduces and facilitates ways of thought and expression that work with, rather than against natural dynamics.