Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Natural Circus / January 2015

Note from the road, in the autumn of 2018 This is the last entry from one of two Natural Circus Blogs (this one from 2010-2015 + and another 2015-2018 -> For quite some time The Natural Circus | Learning to Listen was a sort of overall name for my sharings and wanderings. Not unlike […]

The Natural Circus / July 2014 – December 2014

on the road, Switzerland, December 2014 ___ on the road, Switzerland, December 2014 ___ Herzwil, Switzerland, December 2014 ___ on the road, Switzerland, December 2014 ___ Bern, Switzerland, December 2014 ___ Bern, Switzerland, December 2014 ___ on the road, Switzerland, December 2014 ___ on the road, Switzerland, December 2014 ___ Bern, Switzerland, November 2014 ___ […]

The Natural Circus / March 2014 – June 2014

On the road, France, June 2014 ___ Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2014 ___ Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2014 ___ Marindia, Uruguay, May 2014 ___ Uruguay, May 2014 ___ Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 2014 ___ Montpellier, France, March 2014 ___ France, March 2014 ___ Mediterranean, France, March 2014

The Natural Circus / January 2014 – March 2014

Just That, 09 Jan 14 Mediterranean France, January 2014 ___ Somewhere in France, January 2014 ___ Catalunya, Spain, January 2014 ___ Catalunya, Spain, January 2014 ___ Catalunya, Spain, January 2014

The Natural Circus / July 2013 – January 2014

Paris, France, January 2014 ___ Leucate, France, September 2013 ___ French Pyrenees, September 2013___ French Pyrenees, September 2013 ___ Sanary-sur-Mer, France, August 2013 ___ Pirineos, Spain, July 2013

The Natural Circus / July 2012 – May 2013

Sanary-sur-Mer, France, May 2013 ___ Sanary-sur-Mer, France, May 2013 ___ Berlin, Germany, May 2013 ___ France, April 2013 ___ Paris, France, November 2012 ___ Cadaques, Spain, November 2012 ___ Camargue, France, October 2012 ___ Ocata, Spain, September 2012 ___ Ocata, Spain, September 2012 ___ France, September 2012 ___ Paris, France, September 2012 ___ Hamburg, Germany, […]

The Natural Circus / June 2012

Barnave, France, June 2012

The Natural Circus / November 2011 – April 2012

Vercors, France / April 2012 ____ Glandage, France / February 2012   Gats, France / February 2012 ___ Boulc, France, January 2012 ___ Cannes, France, January 2012 ___ Berlin, Germany, December 2011 ___ Berlin, Germany, December 2011

‚Natural Thinking‘ – Deep Ecology, Zen and Poetry / a reading

‚Natural Thinking‘ – Deep Ecology, Zen and Poetry Lars Schmidt reads Thu, 15th of december / 21.00h Myxa Cafe Lenaustrasse 22, Berlin Neukoelln

The Natural Circus in Berlin / a gathering / 27oct 2011

The Natural Circus / Lars Schmidt – a gathering – feat. David Rothenberg + Michael Metzler David Rothenberg is a well of creativiy. Next to making music with whales, birds or musicians like Glen Velez, he is a recording artist of the ECM label. David is also a philosopher-naturalist and the author of numerous books […]