Note from the road, in the autumn of 2018
This is the last entry from one of two Natural Circus Blogs (this one from 2010-2015 + and another 2015-2018 ->
For quite some time The Natural Circus | Learning to Listen was a sort of overall name for my sharings and wanderings.
Not unlike a wandering monk or a pilgrim, or at times a traveling researcher, I roamed in and out of cultural contexts and natural environments.
Not unlike a bee collecting pollen, or a fox collecting seeds in her fur, I passed, and pass on information on various practices and approaches from one culture and bioregion to the other.
Also, the Natural Circus was my form of resistance.
It was a conscious and necessary withdrawal from Western ways of perceiving, thinking and operating on any level, that I could not resonate with and experienced as destructive, or not based in an ecocentric or integral approach to view the world.
It was (and is in a way) a passively active way of non-cooperation/participation; an ongoing strike, that at the same time, here and there, points at and shares alternatives.
Lars Schmidt,